Joonha Park

Contact Info
1460 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
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Biography —
I am an assistant professor in the Mathematics department at the University of Kansas (from August 2020).
I earned my Ph.D. in Statistics at the University of Michigan in 2018 under the supervision of Professor Edward Ionides. I did my postdoc at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Boston University, under the supervision of professor Yves Atchade.
Education —
Research —
Research interests
My main area of research is computational statistics. My research focuses on developing sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. I have interests in spatio-temporal inference, applications to public health/epidemiological data analysis, Bayesian statistics (mainly from the computational perspectives), stability properties of Markov chains, and applications of neural networks to data analysis.
Selected Publications —
My recent work
Simulation-based inference for implicitly defined models
Simulation models defined implicitly via computer algorithms or specified rules for physical experiments are used increasingly often for various applications. I developed a theoretical foundation for statistical inference for implicilty defined models using a concept of simulation metamodel. Hypothesis tests can be carried out using this simulation metamodel. The inference procedure critically depends on a local asymptotic normality (LAN) result satisfied by the expectation function of a simulation-based log-likelihood estimator. This method can enable accurate parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification for partially observed, implicilty defined, stochastic models. For instance, it can be used for complex mechanistic models for partially observed Markov processes, where the bootstrap particle filter can give a simulation-based likelihood estimator, although the application area can be much broader than this class of models.
- Park, J. Scalable simulation-baed inference for implicitly defined models using a metamodel for Monte Carlo log-likelihood estimator. ArXiv preprint:
An R package 'sbim' has been developed to facilitate the use of the methods developed in this paper. The most up-to-date developer version is available at my Github repository
Automatically-tuned, Tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods for strongly multimodal, high-dimensional distributions
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) methods have favorable scaling properties with respect to the space dimensions, and thus have become popular tools for data analysis in many fields. However, HMC does not perform well for strongly multimodal target distributions. The Markov chains constructed by HMC methods typically have poor global mixing if the target distribution is multimodal. I have developed a method that combines HMC and the tempering technique in a way that enables highly efficient sampling from high-dimensional, strongly multimodal distributions. This method modulates the mass of the particle being simulated, such that the particle can escape a local mode during the first half of the simulated path and converge to a possibly different local mode during the second half. An automatic tuning strategy has been developed for ready implementation.
- Park, J. Sampling from high-dimensional, multimodal target distributions using automatically tuned, tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. ArXiv preprint:
Source code for the automatically-tuned, tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (ATHMC) is available at
Inference for spatio-temporal partially observed Markov processes
I am interested in developing scalable inference methods for coupled, partially observed stochastic dynamic models. Such models are frequently used in spatio-temporal metapopulation dynamics, such as the transmission of infectious disease across connected geographic regions. Methods that my collaborators and I have developed are introduced in the following papers.
- Ionides, E. L., Asfaw, K., Park, J., and King, A. A. (2021) Bagged filters for partially observed interacting systems, Journal of the American Statistical Association, DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2021.1974867
- Park, J. and Ionides, E. L. (2020) Inference on high-dimensional implicit dynamic models using a guided intermediate resampling filter. Statistics and Computing, doi: 10.1007/s11222-020-09957-3. view-only version available at
The implementation of related methods, including the codes and the data, can be found at the Github repository and the R package spatPomp
- Asfaw, K., Park, J., King, A. A., & Ionides, E. L. (2024). spatPomp: An R package for spatiotemporal partially observed Markov process models. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(104), 7008.
Markov chain Monte Carlo with sequential proposals (sp-MCMC):
A straightforward extension of the Metropolis-Hastings strategy in constructing Markov chains with a target invariant density can be made by allowing sequential proposals. The acceptance/rejection of the sequential proposals are coupled via a shared critical value which is drawn from the uniform(0,1) distribution.
This sequential-proposal framework is flexible, and enables developments of state-of-the-art algorithms. For example, we developed two variants of the NUTS algorithm, and a discrete-time bouncy particle sampler method. For more information, see the following paper.
- Park, J. and Atchadé, Y. (2020) Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms with sequential proposals. Statistics and Computing, doi:10.1007/s11222-020-09948-4. view-only version available at (](
- The implementation of the algorithms discussed in this paper can be found at
Other published papers
- Ionides, E. L., Breto, C., Park, J., Smith, R. A. and King, A. A. (2017) Monte Carlo profile confidence intervals for dynamic systems. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 14, 20170126.
- Koopman, J. S., Henry, C. J., Park, J., Eisenberg, M. C., Ionides, E. L. and Eisenberg, J. N. (2017) Dynamics affecting the risk of silent circulation when oral polio vaccination is stopped. Epidemics.
- Kim, S.-H., Park, J. H., Yoon, W., Ra, W.-S. and Whang, I.-H. (2017) A note on sensor arrangement for long-distance target localization. Signal Processing, 133, 18–31.